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CBSA Coffee + Connect

Thursday, Nov 16, 2023
The Laughing Goat – 1709 Pearl St, Boulder, CO 80302

Join CBSA’s Membership Committee in an intimate and casual environment to network and connect.

When you join CBSA, you become an integral part of a dynamic community of companies and organizations at all stages of commercialization. CBSA provides co-opportunity for members to develop big ideas into bold health innovations, products and services. We work to improve access to capital and provide policy and advocacy leadership to create a pro-innovation business climate and workforce cultivation.

This is a great opportunity to engage with others in Colorado’s life sciences community and spark dynamic relationships with fellow innovators and other CBSA members.

Sponsored by the CBSA Membership Committee


Contact Member Success Specialist, Francis Bermea, with questions.
Space is limited: “Event Full” indicates we have reached capacity. View the CBSA Calendar for other Event + Networking opportunities.