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Wednesday, Feb 28, 2024
12850 E Montview Blvd

SPARK Education Kick-Off

Building successful startup companies: It takes longer and costs more than I ever imagined

Join us to welcome the new cohort of SPARK awardees. The session will kick off with a keynote from Stan Lapidus, who will talk about his own and other successful companies. He’ll provide suggestions for the audience on how to better estimate budgets and timelines as they pursue their own adventures. We will also walk through the process of IP protection and commercializing technologies in CU Anschutz, and the expectations of the SPARK program.

Presented by Stan Lapidus:

Stan Lapidus is an inventor and entrepreneur. He was the founding CEO of three medical diagnostics companies. Two of them have been notably successful: the modern Pap test—the ThinPrep, and the Cologuard test. Since its introduction, Cologuard has become one of the fastest growing tests in the history of the diagnostics industry. The two ThinPrep prototypes are at the Smithsonian’s American Museum of National History.

Please register here to confirm your attendance!