U.S. EDA Grant to Grow Life Sciences Startups

Partnership Led by Innosphere Ventures Lands Major Federal Grant 

The U.S. Economic Development Administration validated Colorado’s collaborative approach to building a major national and international life sciences hub! Our Colorado-grown life sciences incubation program, designed to accelerate leading-edge startups, will expand to six states with federal grant funding.

Congratulations to our friends and colleagues at Innosphere Ventures, our regional life sciences partners (Bio Utah and Bio Nebraska) and University partners across a six-state region for landing a $2 million Build to Scale Grant.

With the federal grant, the Colorado Life Sciences Incubation Program, originally developed through a partnership with Innosphere Ventures, Colorado BioScience Institute, and Colorado BioScience Association, will be expanded to partner organizations across the six-state region. The original program was funded by an Advanced Industries Business Accelerator Grant from the State Office of Economic Development and International Trade. 

University Partners include: 

  • Colorado State University (CSU STRATA)  
  • University of Colorado Boulder (Venture Partners at CU Boulder) 
  • University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (CU Innovations) 
  • Medical University of South Carolina (The Zucker Institute for Innovation Commercialization) 
  • Texas Tech University (Office of Research and Innovation) 
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln (NUtech Ventures) 
  • University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNeMed Corporation) 
  • University of New Mexico (UNM Rainforest Innovation) 
  • University of Utah’s Vice President for Research 

This federal funding validates that our collaborative approach and investments to grow strong partnerships is working!  

Read more about Innosphere Ventures and the Colorado Life Sciences Incubation Program in our BioScience Colorado Magazine 

Special congratulations to the team at Innosphere Ventures for their leadership in securing this grant. 

Read the Innosphere Ventures News Release   

Categories: CBSA News