Weekly Policy Update: CBSA’s Policy Priorities for 2019

Today, January 4, 2019 marks the first of 120 days of the 72nd General Assembly. CBSA looks forward to advocating on behalf of our members, industry and the patients we serve. We also look forward to working with the Legislature, Governor-Elect Polis and his team to advance the priorities for the Colorado BioScience Association and our members.

Our top priorities include:

  • Promote Increased Access to Capital
  • Protect Patient Access and Help Patients Understand Healthcare Costs
  • Protect Innovation and Promote Bioscience
  • Advocate for opportunities within the Colorado State Budget
  • Advocate for a healthy tax and regulatory environment that encourages business development
  • Build an educated workforce for our growing industry and State

To learn more about the recent cabinet appointments by Governor elect Jared Polis and other policy updates be sure to read the December Policy Update.

As a reminder, in 2017, CBSA successfully advocated for and passed the Advanced Industries Investor Tax Credit. This piece of legislation is highly valuable to our members, knowing that access to capital is a major issue facing the bioscience industry. The passage of this valuable tax credit aids companies seeking early-stage capital, helping create high paying jobs and allowing Colorado to remain competitive nationally. The 2019 Advanced Industries Investor Tax Credit program is now accepting applications from investee companies. To learn more and to apply click here.

Categories: CBSA News