Weekly Policy Update: Polis Administration Holds Stakeholder Meeting on Canadian Drug Importation Program
By: Colorado BioScience Association Date: 10/16/2020
On Thursday, the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing held a virtual stakeholder meeting to provide an update on the progress of Colorado’s Canadian drug importation program. The program was created by Senate Bill 5, which passed the legislature in 2019.
The Department presented a timeline for the implementation of the program, which estimates that the state would submit their final application to the Dept. of Health and Human Services in early 2022 and receive approval to begin importation by July of that year.
At the end of the presentation, stakeholders had the opportunity to ask questions about the program – including questions about the program’s total cost, the list of drugs, vendor participation, and coverage and access to imported drugs. While the Department did not have answers for many of the questions that were raised, they made it clear that the program is a priority for the administration, and they are confident it will happen.
You can view the meeting presentation here.
To view a recording of the meeting, visit the state’s importation website.
CBSA remains opposes to prescription drug importation. We believe it will jeopardize patient safety and do little to lower out of pocket costs for Coloradoans. The resources required to ensure the safety and efficacy of imported drugs will far outweigh any potential savings for Colorado consumers.
CBSA will continue to monitor the progress of the state’s implementation and provide regular updates to our community. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Roberts.